
Cottonwood (2)

See also Rio Grande Cottonwood

Populus angustifolia

Narrowleaf Cottonwood
Populus angustifolia

Family: Willow (Salicaceae)
AKA: Mountain Cottonwood, Willow-leaved Poplar
Photo taken on: June 19, 2007
Location: Almont, CO
Life Zones: Foothills to montane
Habitat: Moist areas, river banks

Can grow to 60ft. Young trees have a smooth, white bark. Mature trees have dark gray, rough, furrowed bark.arrow

Populus angustifolia

Populus angustifolia

The leaves are long and shiny, giving young trees the appearance of a willow.

Populus angustifolia

In summer, fluffy, cottony seeds are produced which fill the air like snow.arrow

Populus angustifolia



In the Fall, the cottonwoods rival the Aspen in their show of color.

Flora of North America reference.

Populus acuminata

Lanceleaf Cottonwood
Populus acuminata

Family: Willow (Salicaceae)
AKA: Waxleaf Cottonwood
Photo taken on: August 17, 2020
Location: Madera Trail, Santa Fe National Forest, NM
Life Zones: Foothills
Habitat: Washes, floodplains, streamsides

A hybrid of Narrowleaf Cottonwood and Rio Grande Cottonwood. The width of the leaves are in between the narrow and heart-shaped leaves of these trees. It can grow to 50ft and spreads by sending out roots and suckers.

Populus acuminata
